Eke divine
1 min readJul 26, 2021

Bluzelle Community Daily News Read: Jul 26

Happy weekend squad

* Bluzelle second session of the community collective with the CEO will holding on the 26th July 2021 at 1pm UTC . Don't miss out

For more info

Venue: https://youtu.be/VJOfD9eQiCQ

* Bluzelle is officially supporting the two athletes representing #blz in the Olympics

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* Bluzelle Ecosystem keeps expanding and growing. Here are some of the awesome projects we are in partnership with


* A new major Validator has joined the Bluzelle ecosystem! Mantra Dao.


* We will soon be launching our incentivied "Call of Data" program.
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*Bluzelle Interactive Road Map

To make things easier for the community to follow in real-time, we've published an interactive roadmap which covers items on a 3 month rolling basis. This will be items being done in the short term that you call look forward to and ask about. Have a look and feel for it.


* Bluzelle reached 2M blocks


* Cohort 13 $BLZ Staking is still up and running. For all those asking for a video tutorial for Staking on Cohort 13. Check this out

* The Bluzelle Gitcoin hackethon is still on and we already have an awesome usecase gotten from it i.e BLUZELLE WEB HOSTING SERVICES
Read more: https://blog.bluzelle.com/web-hosting-services-on-bluzelle-testnet-fc40ff8114c8

*The Bluzelle Community sheild award program is still up and running.

Follow our social channels:

TG: @bluzelleann
TG Chat: @bluzelle
Twitter: twitter.com/BluzelleHQ

Eke divine
Eke divine

Written by Eke divine

A crypto Enthusiast and A trader

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