Eke divine
Nov 24, 2021

Community Call Recap: Bluzelle is Entering the Metaverse!

After months of stealth work, we’re all set to enter the Metaverse with the first Bluzelle Games product, Denomination~Reclaim the Future!

Why Is It Named as Denomination?
The name Denomination represents money, domination & demon that goes along the game plot & conveys the power & thrill of the game!

Watch the complete session to learn more about such exciting concepts behind developing the Denomination!

Watch now: https://youtu.be/xVLDxGVvyCY

🌐 https://docs.bluzelle.com/developers/bluzelle-games/denomination

Bluzelle~The Past, Present & Future Of The Internet Starts With Us

Retweet: https://twitter.com/BluzelleHQ/status/1461346535883493377