Do you know that there is an investment that will yield good profit?
This investment platforms is Called SIL FINANCE
SIL (Sister in Law) is a decentralized automatic investment platform based on smart contracts, focusing on providing users with DeFi Financial Management services. SIL provides dual-token liquidity for variable swaps, automatic LP matching, and automatic compound interests.
Features of SIL FINANCE
1. LP Grouping: Similar concept to the DeFi “Vault”. For instance, user a holds ETH but not USDT, user b holds USDT but not ETH, b wants to participate in the mining to gain interest; while due to ETH’s price soars, b does not want to convert USDT to ETH to participate; SIL provides a liquidity pool that matches (grouping) user’s ETH with user’s USDT as a bundle to participate. This pool halving the risks for both user a and user b, mutually benefits both of the users in a P2P dual-mining model.
2. Compound Interest Mechanism
3. Matryoshka Mechanism: SIL token is issued to participants through such a mining process. Based on the LP matching mechanism, besides gaining compounding interest on the original digital asset(s) investment.
I want to also introduce the
SIL FINANCE Yield Farming tokens.
Yield Farming mainly raises investor’s funds for single-currency mining, but we could easily find that the gain from single-currency mining is already out of the scope, and the revenue is almost single-digit. Additionally, single-currency mining does not provide any liquidity for SWAP. Hence, YFI is a Ponzi-alike mechanism. While we want to provide a dual-currency mining Machine gun pool, it is not the dual-currency matryoshka model in the current market as you may see.
Regarding SIL positioning
The positioning Machine gun pool can be used as PayPal and Matrixport in the DeFi world. In the future, we will perform DeFi-CeFi arbitrage and be the liquidator of COMP.
For more Information visit
website: SIL.FINANCE